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Wellness Tourism

‘Wellness’ is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. ‘‘Wellness’ Tourism’ can therefore be defined as travel that involves to experience an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. In other words, ‘Wellness’ is a view of health that emphasizes the state of the entire being and its ongoing development. 

Support that Ministry of Tourism Provides

  • Ministry of Tourism would provide   financial assistance  for developing publicity  material like brochures, print creative, audio video presentations, short films, radio jingles, creation of web-sites, online creatives etc. to promote ‘Wellness’ Tourism. The financial assistance would  be provided on a 67:33 sharing basis with 67% of contribution from Ministry of Tourism and 33% from stakeholders based on the recommendations of the ‘Wellness Tourism’ Promotion Committee (details at para 09) subject to a maximum ceiling of  Rs 50 lakhs per year. This support would not be eligible for media spends like release of advertisements in print  television or internet. 
  • The Ministry of Tourism would provide financial  assistance to State Govt. / Union Territory Administrations, ‘Wellness’ Centers accredited by National Board for Accreditation of Hospitals and Healthcare Services (NABH) for capacity building programmes for under its Capacity Building for Service Providers Scheme (CBSP) 
  • The Ministry of Tourism would participate in International ‘Wellness’ Events through its overseas offices. The Wellness Tourism Promotion Committee would draw out a calendar of events and share it with all concerned.  
  • The Ministry of Tourism would provide financial assistance for four seminars/events in a financial year  with a ceiling of Rs. 10.00 lakh each  on a 50:50 sharing basis  .
  • The Ministry of Tourism would permit the use of logo for promotion of prestigious national and international Wellness events recommended by the Wellness Tourism Promotion Committee
(Source: Ministry of Tourism)


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