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Dr. Kshitiz Sharma,
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Entrepreneurs & Entrepreneurship is the talk of town, everybody is discussing about this. Government has started new courses on this; training centres have been developed to nurture natural talent of entrepreneurs. Government is seeing entrepreneurship the only solution of its increasing employment demand and that’s true. An entrepreneur is a true wealth creator, a magician who creates wonders out of nothing and that’s how countries are growing. Indian entrepreneurs also have done great things in past and seems committed to follow in the future.

Tourism is the field which has capability to transform entire society and bring foreign wealth through the easiest way. One of the fastest growing industry, great demand, and relaxed environment makes it one of the most demanding industries. Places where industrial input is less have been converted to tourist hub and it has just brought surprising results.

Goa is one such nice place which depends quite on tourism industry & related services. Every bit of Goa at times seems a tourist destination. There are celebrations, enjoyment happening in Goa yet there seems a balance in daily life and tourism. People have involved themselves in tourism for their daily livelihood. Various enterprises, they have started with new concepts altogether.

Starting a new business is a vital decision of one’s life which has impact upon various aspects of life on different stages. That makes it interesting to study those factors which motivates someone to take such important steps as it deals with lot of courage (as many people think) and timely emergence of opportunity (as some believes). Gilad and Levine (1986) proposed two closely related explanations of entrepreneurial motivation, ‘Push’ theory and ‘Pull’ theory. The Push theory argues that individuals are pushed into entrepreneurship by negative external factors like job dissatisfaction, fire from job etc. While the Pull theory suggests that individuals are attracted to entrepreneurial activities in order to seek independence, to use their skills and experience in optimal way etc. The present study makes an attempt to find out main push and pull reasons behind the starting of the venture by entrepreneurs in tourism trade in Goa

Research Methodology:
The objective is to find out reasons (Pull & Push Factors) behind the starting of the venture in tourism field.

The present study is a Non-experimental type of Descriptive research where exploratory study is undertaken to test the hypotheses. Both quantitative as well as qualitative type of data has been collected. As this is an empirical study, primary data have been the major source of the analysis. Purposive and convenience sampling method is used for the data collection. The collected data were then analysed in accordance with research plan and as per requirement of the study. Various statistical techniques like Average, Frequency Distribution, t-test; Correlation were applied according to the requirement. Most of the hypotheses were tested at 5 per cent level of significance.

A. Title of the study:
The Role of Push & Pull Factors In Entrepreneurial Development of Goa Tourism

B. Scope of the study:
The study is mainly confined to review the entrepreneurship reasons with special emphasis on the profile of small scale business in tourism in Goa.

C. Hypothesis:
There is no statistically significant difference between pull and push factors as reason for choosing entrepreneurship.
There is significant difference between pull and push factors as reason for choosing Entrepreneurship.

D. Universe of study:
The study will be mainly emphasizing the meaning and role of an entrepreneur especially in the context of 21st century

E. Significance of the study:
The tourism industry is one of the fastest industry in the world and India also performing better for couple of years and Asia Pacific is one of the happening most destination in the world. Though India does not get even 1% business but we can look forward in current perspective. Job opportunities through tourism are immense.

Key words: Entrepreneurship, Push Factors, Pull Factors, Tourism

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