For beefing up the tourist safety and security standard in the state a comprehensive scheme was drawn up by the department to constitute the Tourism Security Force in September 2008 and liaison with the police, health department and prevent illegal hawkers and traders, the department appointed only 24 tourist wards.
In its report of March 2011-2012, CAG has pointed out that inspite of this framework proposed in 2008, TSF was formed only in September 2011.
On 10th August 2011, Tourism director Swapnil Naik had stated that Goa was going to be the first state to have full-fledged tourist security force reporting directly to tourism department. Only a few states in India have tourist security forces. For example, Tamil Nadu has enlisted ex-servicemen for such a force. Goa plansto be the first state to have a full-fledged force of 476 men under 25 years of age in two categories.

As per the plan, one chief tourist executive and six taluka tourist officers and 57 tourist wardens were to be appointed but the recruitment was under performed.
The inadequacy of manpower affected its functioning and complaints of shack owners, village panchayats and citizens could not be redressed. The department complained of poor response from ex servicemen to the recruitment initiative.
On top of that the wardens were not provided uniforms and caps. The monitoring of TSF was clearly overlooked which resulted in waste of public money and uninterested tourism environment.
The sources provided many agencies are either underutilized or not used at all. World travel and tourism council had donated 14 four-wheelers to the state , 11 were lying idle. Fuel availability was a problem and the department has promised to create posts and recruit more wardens.
Source: Times of India, Oct 20, 2013

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