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The Martians have landed; the human race on earth

Sir Francis Crick, the Nobel laureate, says there are an estimated 100 billion galaxies in our universe and he believes there are at least one million planets in our galaxy that could support life as we know it. Think of what the figure might be for the entire universe, even before we start looking at other dimensions of existence beyond the frequency range of our physical senses. If we travelled at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second, it would take us 4.3 years to reach the nearest star to this solar system.

All over the planet are fantastic structures built thousands of years ago which could only have been created with technology as good as, often even better than, we have today. At Baalbek, north east of Beirut in the Lebanon, three massive chunks of stone, each weighing 800 tons, were moved at least a third of a mile and positioned high up in a wall. This was done thousands of years BC! Another block nearby weighs 1,000 tons - the weight of three jumbo jets. How was this possible? In Peru are the mysterious Nazca Lines. The ancients scored away the top surface of the land to reveal the white subsurface and through this method were created incredible depictions of animals, fish, insects and birds. Some of them are so large they can only be seen in their entirety from 1,000 feet in the air! The knowledge which allowed wonders like Nazca, Baalbek, the Great Pyramid at Giza and other amazing creations to be built with such precision and scale, came from an advanced race who, in ancient times, lived among a far more primitive general population. This race is described as ‘the gods’ in the Old Testament texts and other works and in oral traditions of antiquity. When the word ‘God’ is used in the Old Testament it is often translated from a word that means gods, plural - Elohim and Adonai are two examples.
In the 1930s, American and Australian servicemen landed their planes in remote parts of New Guinea to drop supplies for their troops. The locals, who had never seen a plane, believed the
servicemen were gods and they became a focus of religious beliefs. This would have been even more extreme in the ancient world had their advanced race been beings from other planets, stars or dimensions, flying craft more advanced than anything flown (at least officially!) by today’s military. An influx of knowledge from outside this planet or another source would explain so many of the ‘mysteries’ that official history greets with a deafening silence. The incredible feats of building also become explainable and so does the mystery of why early civilisations like Egypt and Sumer (the land of Shinar in the Bible) began at the peak of their development and then fell into decay, when the normal course of evolution is to start at a lower level and slowly advance through learning and experience. There was clearly an infusion of highly advanced knowledge that was later lost to most people. In every culture throughout the world are ancient
stories and texts which describe the ‘gods’ who brought this advanced knowledge. This would again explain the mystery of how the ancients had a phenomenal understanding of astronomy. There are endless legends all over the world of a time they call the Golden Age, which was destroyed by cataclysm and the ‘fall of Man’. The ancient Greek poet, Heslod, described the world before the ‘fall’:

“Man lived like Gods, without vices or passions, vexation or toil. In happy companionship with divine beings (extraterrestrials?), they passed their days in tranquillity and joy, living together in perfect equality, united by mutual confidence and love. The Earth was more beautiful than now, and spontaneously yielded an abundant variety of fruits. Human beings and animals spoke the same language and conversed with each other (telepathy). Men were considered mere boys at a hundred years old. They had none of the infirmities of age to trouble them and when they passed to regions of superior life, it was in a gentle slumber.”

Utopian as that may sound, there are countless stories from every ancient culture which describe the world in the distant past in those terms. We can recreate that vision again if only we change the way we think and feel. The most comprehensive accounts of an advanced race are contained in tens of thousands of clay tablets found in 1850 about 250 miles from Baghdad, Iraq, by an Englishman Sir Austen Henry Layard as he excavated the site of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. This was located near the present Iraqi town of Mosul. Other finds have followed in this region which was once called Mesopotamia. The original source of this knowledge was not the Assyrians, but the Sumerians who lived in the same area from, it is estimated, 4,000 to 2,000 BC. The most famous translator of these tablets is the scholar and author Zecharia Sitchin, who can read Sumerian, Aramaic, Hebrew and other Middle and Near Eastern languages. He has extensively researched and translated theSumerian Tablets and has no doubt that they are describing extraterrestrials. Some researchers say that he used a later version of the Sumerian language to translate an earlier one and, therefore, some of his translations may not be 100% accurate. I think his themes are correct, indeed other accounts and evidence supports this, but I personally doubt some of the detail. I think that a number of Sitchin’s interpretations are extremely questionable, while I agree with the overall thesis. According to his translations (and others) the Texts say that the Sumerian civilisation, from which many features of modern society derive, was a “gift from the gods”. Not mythical gods, but physical ones who lived among them. The Tablets call these gods the AN.UNNAK.KI (Those who from Heaven to Earth came), and DIN.GIR (The Righteous Ones of the Blazing Rockets). The name of Sumer itself was KI.EN.GIR (The Land of the Lord of the Blazing Rockets and also Land of the Watchers, according to Sitchin). The ancient text known as the Book of Enoch also calls the gods ‘the Watchers’, as did the Egyptians. The Egyptian name for their gods, the Neteru, literally translates as Watchers and they said that their gods came in heavenly boats. According to Zecharia Sitchin, the tablets describe how the Anunnaki came from a planet called Nibiru (The Planet of the Crossing) which he believes has a 3,600 year elliptical orbit that takes it between Jupiter and Mars and then out into far space beyond Pluto. Modern science has identified a body it calls Planet X which has been located beyond Pluto and is believed to be part of this solar system. But an elliptical orbit would be incredibly unstable and difficult to sustain. Scientists I trust believe that Sitchin is mistaken in his Nibiru theory, though his main themes about the Anunnaki are correct. The Sumerian Tablets, from Sitchin’s translations, describe how, during the early formation of the solar system, Nibiru caused the near destruction of a planet that once existed between Jupiter and Mars. The Sumerians called it Tiamat, a planet they nicknamed The Watery Monster. They say that it was debris from Tiamat’s collision with a Nibiru moon which created the Great Band Bracelet - the asteroid belt which is found between Mars and Jupiter. What remained of Tiamat was thrown into another orbit, the texts say, and eventually it became the Earth The Sumerianname for the Earth means the Cleaved One because a vast hole was created, they say, by the collision. Interestingly if you take away the water in the Pacific Ocean you will be left with a gigantic hole.

The Tablets are the written accounts of oral traditions that go back enormousamounts of time and you have to be careful that details have not been added or lost and that we don’t take symbolism or parable as literal truth. I am sure that some confusion did occur in this way. I have doubts myself about the Nibiru-Tiamat scenario and its alleged timescale. But there is much truth in the Texts which can be proven, not least in their knowledge of astronomy. The Tablets depict the solar system with the planets in their correct positions, orbits and relative sizes, and their accuracy has only been confirmed in the last 150 years since some of these planets have been found. The Tablets describe the nature and colour of Neptune and Uranus in ways that have only been confirmed in the last few years! What’s more, the modern ‘experts’ did not expect those planets to look as they did, yet the Sumerians knew thousands of years BC what
our ‘advanced’ science has only just discovered.
Most stunning about the Sumerian Tablets is the way they describe the creation of homo sapiens. Sitchin says the Anunnaki came to the Earth an estimated 450,000 years ago to mine gold in what is now Africa. The main mining centre was in today’s Zimbabwe, an area the Sumerians called AB.ZU (deep deposit), he claims. Studies by the Anglo-American Corporation have found extensive evidence of gold mining in Africa at least 60,000 years ago, probably 100,000.3 The gold mined by the Anunnaki was shipped back to their home planet from bases in the Middle East, Sitchin claims the Tablets say. I think there is much more to know about this ‘gold mining’ business, and I don’t believe that was the main reason they came here, if indeed it was a reason at all.
At first the gold mining was done by the Anunnaki version of their working classes, Sitchin says, but eventually there was a rebellion by the miners and the Anunnaki royal elite decided to create a new slave race to do the work. The Tablets describe how the genes of the Annunaki and those of the native humans were combined in a test tube to create the ‘updated’ human capable of doing the tasks the Anunnaki required. The idea of test tube babies would have sounded ridiculous when the tablets were found in 1850, but that is precisely what scientists are now able to do. Again and again modern research supports the themes of the Sumerian Tablets. For instance, there was a sudden and so far unexplained upgrade of the human physical form around 200,000 years ago.

Official science is silent on the cause of this and mutters terms like ‘the missing link’. But some unavoidable facts need to be addressed. Suddenly the previous physical form known as homo erectus became what we now call homo sapiens. From the start the new homo sapiens had the ability to speak a complex language and the size of the human brain increased massively. Yet the biologist Thomas Huxley said that major changes like this can take tens of millions of years. This view is supported by the evidence of homo erectus which appears to have emerged in Africa about 1.5 million years ago. For well in excess of a million years their physical form seems to have remained the same, but then, out of nowhere, came the dramatic change to homo sapiens. About 35,000 years ago came another sudden upgrade and the emergence of homo sapiens sapiens, the physical form we see today. The Sumerian Tablets name the two people involved in
the creation of the slave race. They were the chief scientist called Enki, Lord of the Earth (Ki=Earth) and Ninkharsag, also known as Ninti (Lady Life) because of her expertise in medicine. She was later referred to as Mammi, from which comes mama and mother. Ninkharsag is symbolised in Mesopotamian depictions by a tool used to cut the umbilical cord. It is shaped like a horseshoe and was used in ancient times. She also became the mother goddess of a stream of religions under names like Queen Semiramis, Isis, Barati, Diana, Mary and many others, which emerged from the legends of this all over the world. She is often depicted as a pregnant woman. The texts say of the Anunnaki leadership: They summoned and asked the goddess, the midwife of the gods, the wise birthgiver (saying), “To a creature give life, create workers! Create a primitive worker, that he may bear the yoke! Let him bear the yoke assigned by Enlil, Let the worker carry the toil of the gods!” Enlil was commander of the Anunnaki and Enki was his half-brother. Enki and Ninkharsag had many failures as they sought the right genetic mix, the Tablets tell us. There are accounts of how they created people with major defects and also humananimal hybrids. Horrible stuff, and exactly what is claimed to be happening today in the extraterrestrial-human underground bases around the world. The story of Frankenstein, the man created in a laboratory, could be symbolic of these events. It was written by Mary Shelley, the wife of the famous poet. He and she were high initiates of the secret
society network which has hoarded and suppressed this knowledge since ancient times. The Tablets say that Enki and Ninkharsag eventually found the right mix which became the first homo sapiens, a being the Sumerians called a LU.LU (One who has been mixed). This is the biblical ‘Adam’. LU.LU was a genetic hybrid, the fusing of homo erectus with the genes of the ‘gods’ to create a slave, a human worker bee, some 200,000-300,000 years ago. A female version was also created. The Sumerian name for human was LU, the root meaning of which is worker or servant, and it was also used to imply domesticated animals. This is what the human race has been ever since. The Anunnaki have been overtly and now covertly ruling the planet for thousands of years.
The mistranslation of the Bible and symbolic language taken literally has devastated the original meaning and given us a fantasy story. Eve (She Who Has Life) was not created from a rib, but from that which has life - living cells. The human egg for the creation of the Lulu/Adam came from a female in Abzu, Africa, according to the Sumerians, and modern fossil finds and anthropological research suggests that homo sapiens did indeed come out of Africa. In the 1980s, Douglas Wallace of Emory University in Georgia compared the DNA (the blueprint for physical life) of 800 women and concluded that it came from a single female ancestor. Wesley Brown of the University of Michigan said, after examining the DNA of 21 women of different genetic backgrounds from around the world, that they all originated from a single source who had lived in Africa between 180,000 and 300,000 years ago. Rebecca Cann of the University of California at Berkeley did the same with 147 women of diverse racial and geographical backgrounds and she said their common genetic inheritance came from a single ancestor between 150,000 and 300,000 years ago. Another study of 150 American women from genetic lines going back to Europe, Africa and the Middle East, together with Aborigines from Australia and New Guinea, concluded that they had the same female ancestor who lived in Africa between 140,000 and 290,000 years ago. Personally I think the human race was seeded by many sources; not just the Annunaki. The Sumerian Tablets and later Akkadian stories give the names and hierarchy of
the Anunnaki. They call the ‘Father’ of the gods, AN, a word that means heaven. Our Father who art in heaven? AN, or Anu to the Akkadians, stayed mostly in heaven with his wife, Antu, and he made only rare visits to the planet they called E.RI.DU (Home in the faraway built), a word which evolved into Earth. Or at least that is the Zecharia Sitchin translation. The descriptions could also imply that Anu stayed mostly in the high mountains of the Near East where the ‘Garden of Eden’, the place of the gods, is reckoned on good evidence to have been, and he made only rare visits to the plains of Sumer. A Sumerian city was called Eridu. Anu sent two sons to develop and rule the Earth, the Tablets say. They were Enki, the guy they say created homo sapiens, and his half-brother Enlil. These two would later become great rivals for ultimate control of the planet. Enki, the first born of Anu, was subordinate to Enlil because of the Anunnaki’s obsession with genetic purity. Enlil’s mother was the half sister to Anu and this union passed on the male genes more efficiently than Enki’s birth via another mother. Later the Tablets describe how the Anunnaki created bloodlines to rule humanity on their behalf and these, I suggest, are the families still in control of the world to this day. The Sumerian Tablets describe how kingship was granted to humanity by the Anunnaki and it was originally known as Anuship after An or Anu, the ruler of the ‘gods’. The Brotherhood families are obsessed with bloodlines and genetic inheritance and they interbreed without regard for love. The royal families (family!) and aristocracy of Europe and the so-called Eastern Establishment families in the United States are obvious examples of this. They are of the same tribe and genetically related. This is why the Brotherhood families have always been obsessed with interbreeding, just as the Sumerian Tablets describe the Anunnaki. They are not interbreeding through snobbery, but to hold a genetic structure which gives them certain abilities, especially the ability to ‘shape-shift’ and manifest in other forms. I’ll come to this in more detail shortly.

The Tablets describe how humans were given the ability to procreate by Enki and this led to an explosion in the human population which threatened to swamp the Anunnaki, who were never great in number. The Anunnaki had many internal conflicts and high-tech wars with each other, as the Enlil and Enki factions fought for control. It is generally accepted by researchers of the Anunnaki that Enki is on humanity’s side, but it seems to me that both groups desire dominance over this planet, and that is their real motivatation. As Zecharia Sitchin documents in his translations, and readers of the Indian holy books, the Vedas, will confirm, there were many accounts of the ‘gods’ going to war with each other as they battled for supremacy. The Sumerian accounts describe how the sons of the Annunaki ‘gods’ were most involved in these wars. These
were the offspring of Enki and Enlil, the half-brothers who became fierce rivals, and their sons played out that battle in a high-tech conflict, the Tablets say. One battle they appeared to have been involved in was the biblical destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. These cities were probably located at the southern end of the Dead Sea where, today, radiation readings are much higher than normal. This was when, according to the Bible, Lot’s wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. After referring to the original Sumerian, Zecharia Sitchin says that the true translation of that passage should read that Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of vapour which, on balance, is rather more likely!

(The excerpts are from "The Biggest Secrets", by David Icke")

Hope You will like it.


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