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Green Practices at home

The environment is ailing, its getting weaker day by day and the consequences are that we all are paying prices for this. And if this continues our children will pay heavily and curse us. Do we want that ....... Absolutely not.

The Garbage has become a big menace for the Bangalore city and disposal system is no good at the moment. Daily thousands of tonns of garbage is produced and government has not left with more choices of land fills in the vicinity. The landfills nearing villages are no good options and residents suffers. The mouting voices have shown their concern for healthy living conditions for them.

Then what are we supposed to do. Can we as a responsible citizens do our part of creating a greener environment. I think we can. Some suggestions are:

1. Moral commitment towards less usage of polythene bags. This is the biggest menace. It chokes everything. Expecting everything from Government will do no good to ours living conditions. Make yourself a disciplined man of the country and you can do alot.

2. The other severe problem is water pollution in which detergents have a big role. Daily huge amount of detergents are used in washing kitchen utensils. Doctors says that most of the stomach related problems happen because we use detergents for washing utesil and they are not rinsed properly. Now its obvious, maid will not be able to give sufficient time for cleaning and rinsing your utensils, she has to complete numbers. I remeber in our childhood days the food was served on banana leaves and other bigger leaves. This is rather a healthy practice. Those leaves are hygenic. And many a places these are available easily. one leaf cost Rs. 1 in the market. and if demand increases it can further be made available on cheaper rates. This whole practice will give you SATVIC effects on your personality. And they get disposed off very easily. Nature has this system.

3. Another menace has been created by Refrigerators. Now what happens, we cook in bulk and keep it in Refrigerator for another 2-3 days. Tell me frankly how many of you enjoy eating that left over food of previous days. No body, rather it is mostly thrown out. or even if we consume it does not give healthy impact. Had there been no refrigerator people had habit to cook only sufficient food for that particualr time.

These are some smaller steps but the impact will be huge. Try it out. You will be Blissful.



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