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Hospitality business is in transition stage, shaping itself better, less expensive, more user and environment friendly and ethical in approach. It’s good for all of them who believe tourism and hospitality a sustainable product. The present study is on emerging trends in operational areas of hospitality and hotels particularly. The scope of the present study is limited to the information available in published media, and internet. The technology has been instrumental in bringing about those changes in hospitality functioning and the way we do business. New concepts with the help of technology like Allergy Free Rooms, CombiOven, non-ODS are finding place in hospitality. These products though expensive initially prove cheaper in long run and hazard free and environment friendly too. Of course, ethical business is in demand and that is sustainable. Similarly in eating and drinking patterns there is change some innovative works like REMY IceBOXX has evolved a new style of drinking.. In construction also hotels are using recyclable products like Dry Walls which are maintenance free and easy to install. The overall benefits go to customer.

Key words: Hospitality, Allergy Free Rooms, CombiOven, ODS, IceBOXX, Dry Walls


Hospitality business is in transition stage, shaping itself better, less expensive, more user and environment friendly and ethical in approach. Its good for all of us who believe tourism and hospitality a sustainable product. The entire setup is providing opportunities to the hospitality professional, a smorgasbord of opportunities. The tourism being the large booty for international trade needs careful implementation of these changes. And of course the business is always ruled by customer when a tough competition drives the market. Customer is new; his palate is defining newer taste than ever and he just not want to compromise on quality and speed with a variety in service styles, so the companies are also gearing up with innovative products through innovative mind. The expansion is huge in hospitality industry, very much on the track what was predicted for the future. Hospitality institutions are also smiling with the great demand industry is offering for anyone who wants to be hospitality professional and committing a great career to them. The compensations are better than ever with additional benefits for employee. Even the training stipend which used to be there just for the name sake and that too deductions for meal & transportation were made has been revised and students are getting better stipend. The credit goes to the Customers, the main force behind this change.

Some new emerging trends in hospitality are:


It’s a new trend shaping up of making rooms allergy free and super clean, a totally new concept to the hospitality industry where the air we breath, sheet we use to sleep, carpet we walk are all free from dust, mites and any kind of allergy.

This service was initiated by Goran B. Anderson through his enterprise Collom Enterprise Inc. The company call it PURE. With a totally new concept to the hospitality and travel industry PURE solutions and its distributors have now installed 6000 hotel rooms and cruise ship cabins worldwide and are expected to double the number of rooms during this year. PURE solutions has seen an aggressive growth in a stressed economy that can be attributed to two main factors. The first being its proven track record of guest satisfaction. This helped create demand on the part of hotel guests. The second factor is that PURE Solutions has developed a creative way to help hotel entities a way to provide these much needed PURE allergy friendly rooms for their guests. Understanding the lack of excess funds available to tackle new initiatives PURE Solutions created a system by which hotels can PURE rooms installed at no upfront costs. The project is simply funded by sharing the revenue received when charging a premium for these rooms.


The newest CombiOven is a unique example of art and technology in cooking. This project is finding place in hotel kitchen which features a simple, picture based control panel that commands all the oven functions. It can access upto 250 of user receipes that are identified by users own uploaded pictures. The combitherm with Combitouch comes standard with more than 100 programmed recipes and photos, covering most commonly prepared food items. Manual cooking by time and temperature also are easily done with the Combitouch control.

It has updated versions of award winning Combitherm includes GOLD-n-BrownTM allowing to choose from six precise and consistent browning levels an on-board diagnostic message are displayed at the touch screen.


Safety and quality apart most hotels are striving to be eco-friendly in their choice of equipments too. Most hotels are shifting to equipments that minimize consumption of natural resources like energy and minimize their impact on environment by being ctc free and causing less air pollution, noise and heat pollution. In many a branded hotels latest environment friendly non ODS (ozone depleting substances) refrigeration system, equipments which are based upon HFC-134A (hydrofluro carbon).


Drywalls offers a robust alternative to conventional construction methods and delivers superior performance.

Drywalls is made up of high performance gypsum plasterboard mounted on both sides of a steel framework with insulation infill to get a high fire and acoustic performance ratings.

Currently the leading hotel chains in India including the Shangri La in Mumbai, The Leela Palace Kempinski in Delhi, Crown Plaza in Kochi, The Park in Hyderabad, Wyndham Ramada in Delhi and Langham Palace at Delhi Airport are using these platerboards.

These boards offer following advantages:

 Light Weight- these boards are 8-10 times lighter than the conventional construction material and thus leads to structural cost savings
 Faster Installation- Installation is easier, saves nearly 75% time.
 Superior Acoustic Insulation- offers STC rating of 60+
 Fire Resistance- provides up to 4 hours fire rating
 Unmatched Aesthetic- Gypsum plasterboards provide crack free & smooth surfaces
 Green- The material used in drywalls can be easily recycled, are locally produced, have much lower embodied energy, uses very little water during construction and help save fertile land that is used for making bricks.


The latest offering from the hose of Remy Martin, REMY IceBOXX, has created a buzz around the globe and is giving a whole new experience to the shot lovers in India.

In this new style REMY IceBoxx is served in a shot glass at -18 degree Celsius, it creates a thrilling and measurable new drinking ritual. The REMY IceBOXX can be enjoyed straight or mixed with fruit nectar.
At -18 0C this unique smooth Cognac delivers an astonishingly aromatic explosion of vanilla, peach and orange taste which provides intense pleasure to the palate-setting a new trend as how Cognac is enjoyed and appreciated, Today 80% of fine Cognac is produced by Remy Martin.


The industry is definitely going through an overhauling which welcomes healthy and sustainable practices and rules out diminishing practices. The newer trends and technology is potentially capable to benefit both monetarily and stress point of view. Faster, easier and continual is the mantra for emerging trends.


Travel + Leisure, Oct 2010
Hotelier India, “Volume 3/Issue 2/ February 2011/


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